Lipstick and Lightsabers
A Star Wars podcast created by, for, and about the women of the fandom

Friday Jul 26, 2019
Christy Carew | Lipstick and Lightsabers Ep 21
Friday Jul 26, 2019
Friday Jul 26, 2019
This week’s story was from Christy and you can find her on twitter @christy_carew and at
Check her out on What The Force and Scavengers Hoard
Want to be part of Lipstick and Lightsabers? Record your Star Wars Story and send it to! Give as little or as much as you like and try to answer these questions:
1. How did you get into Star Wars?
2. How do you engage with fandom?
3. How has it impacted your life?
4. What are you most looking forward to this year in Star Wars?
All art is by Alex Leonis
Shannon: @mccartershanon
Alex: @alexleonis
Lipstick and Lightsabers: @Lip_Lightsabers

Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
SDCC Publishing Announcements
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Join Alex and Shannon for a quick review of the new Finn and Phasma comics and Alphabet Squadron. Then grab your tinfoil hats because we got some crazy news from San Diego Comic Con!
Want to be part of Lipstick and Lightsabers? Record your Star Wars Story and send it to! Give as little or as much as you like and try to answer these questions:
1.How did you get into Star Wars?
2. How do you engage with fandom?
3. How has it impacted your life?
4. What are you most looking forward to this year in Star Wars?
All art is by Alex Leonis
Shannon: @mccartershanon
Alex: @alexleonis
Lipstick and Lightsabers: @Lip_Lightsabers

Friday Jul 19, 2019
Dani | Lipstick and Lightsabers Ep 20
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
This week’s story was from Dani and you can find her on twitter @CardiganVixen and her podcasts @RebelOrderPod and @vundacast
Check out her podcasts:
Rebel Order
Want to be part of Lipstick and Lightsabers? Record your Star Wars Story and send it to! Give as little or as much as you like and try to answer these questions:
1. How did you get into Star Wars?
2. How do you engage with fandom?
3. How has it impacted your life?
4. What are you most looking forward to this year in Star Wars?
All art is by Alex Leonis
Shannon: @mccartershanon
Alex: @alexleonis
Lipstick and Lightsabers: @Lip_Lightsabers

Friday Jul 12, 2019
Jenmarie | Lipstick and Lightsabers Ep 19
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
This week’s story was from Jenmarie and you can find her @acrossthestars on Twitter and @anakinandhisangel on Instagram
Check out her blog: Anakin and His Angel
Want to be part of Lipstick and Lightsabers? Record your Star Wars Story and send it to! Give as little or as much as you like and try to answer these questions:
1. How did you get into Star Wars?
2. How do you engage with fandom?
3. How has it impacted your life?
4. What are you most looking forward to this year in Star Wars?
All art is by Alex Leonis
Shannon: @mccartershanon
Alex: @alexleonis
Lipstick and Lightsabers: @Lip_Lightsabers

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
The Complex Iden Versio | Character Spotlight
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Today is all about the amazing Iden Versio! Join Alex and Shannon as they take a closer look at this character and discuss Inferno Squad and Battlefront 2!
Want to be part of Lipstick and Lightsabers? Record your Star Wars Story and send it to! Give as little or as much as you like and try to answer these questions:
1. How did you get into Star Wars?
2. How do you engage with fandom?
3. How has it impacted your life?
4. What are you most looking forward to this year in Star Wars?
All art is by Alex Leonis
Shannon: @mccartershanon
Alex: @alexleonis
Lipstick and Lightsabers: @Lip_Lightsabers

Friday Jul 05, 2019
Hope Mullinax | Lipstick and Lightsabers Ep 18
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Friday Jul 05, 2019
This week’s story was from Hope and you can find her @@HopeMullinax and @@JaigEyesAndJedi on Twitter
Jaig Eyes and Jedi Podcast
Also check out her fan fic!
Want to be part of Lipstick and Lightsabers? Record your Star Wars Story and send it to! Give as little or as much as you like and try to answer these questions:
1. How did you get into Star Wars?
2. How do you engage with fandom?
3. How has it impacted your life?
4. What are you most looking forward to this year in Star Wars?
All art is by Alex Leonis
Shannon: @mccartershanon
Alex: @alexleonis
Lipstick and Lightsabers: @Lip_Lightsabers

Friday Jun 28, 2019
Reylo My Halo (Mari) | Lipstick and Lightsabers Ep 17
Friday Jun 28, 2019
Friday Jun 28, 2019
This week’s story was from Mari and you can find her @reylomyhalo on Twitter and Instagram
Want to be part of Lipstick and Lightsabers? Record your Star Wars Story and send it to! Give as little or as much as you like and try to answer these questions:
1. How did you get into Star Wars?
2. How do you engage with fandom?
3. How has it impacted your life?
4. What are you most looking forward to this year in Star Wars?
All art is by Alex Leonis
Shannon: @mccartershanon
Alex: @alexleonis
Lipstick and Lightsabers: @Lip_Lightsabers

Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Lost Stars Breakdown with Gina from Unmistakably Star Wars!
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
In this episode, Alex and Shannon are joined by Gina Sanders from Unmistakably Star Wars to discuss Lost Stars by Claudia Gray! Get ready for feels because this book is a pain train!!
Check out Gina: @reginalynnette and @UnmistakablySW
Unmistakably Star Wars
Want to be part of Lipstick and Lightsabers? Record your Star Wars Story and send it to! Give as little or as much as you like and try to answer these questions:
1. How did you get into Star Wars?
2. How do you engage with fandom?
3. How has it impacted your life?
4. What are you most looking forward to this year in Star Wars?
All art is by Alex Leonis
Shannon: @mccartershanon
Alex: @alexleonis
Lipstick and Lightsabers: @Lip_Lightsabers

Friday Jun 21, 2019
Heather Taylor | Lipstick and Lightsabers Ep 16
Friday Jun 21, 2019
Friday Jun 21, 2019
This week’s story was from Heather and you can find her @ghostspectre8 on Twitter!
Want to be part of Lipstick and Lightsabers? Record your Star Wars Story and send it to! Give as little or as much as you like and try to answer these questions:
1. How did you get into Star Wars?
2. How do you engage with fandom?
3. How has it impacted your life?
4. What are you most looking forward to this year in Star Wars?
All art is by Alex Leonis
Shannon: @mccartershanon
Alex: @alexleonis
Lipstick and Lightsabers: @Lip_Lightsabers

Friday Jun 14, 2019
Gina Sanders | Lipstick and Lightsabers Ep 15
Friday Jun 14, 2019
Friday Jun 14, 2019
This week’s story was from Gina and you can find her @reginalynnette on Twitter and Instagram
Check her out on Unmistakably Star Wars
Want to be part of Lipstick and Lightsabers? Record your Star Wars Story and send it to! Give as little or as much as you like and try to answer these questions:
1. How did you get into Star Wars?
2. How do you engage with fandom?
3. How has it impacted your life?
4. What are you most looking forward to this year in Star Wars?
All art is by Alex Leonis
Shannon: @mccartershanon
Alex: @alexleonis
Lipstick and Lightsabers: @Lip_Lightsabers